We'd love to answer all of your questions regarding any aspect of The Lifestyle Diet Program. So we've already provided answers to many questions we know are on your mind right below. Please check there and if you can not find what you are looking for, please use the link below and we'll gladly get back to you as soon as possible.

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How does The Lifestyle Diet Program work?
The Lifestyle Diet works off the premise that you are not technically on a diet. It is based upon learning about food choices, gradually accommodating exercise, composing meal plans and cooking foods that are healthy. It works because there is not a quick fix. It is a permanent solution for you to lose weight and maintain it for a lifetime.
How quick will I lose weight on The Lifestyle Diet?
The Lifestyle Diet enables you to lose as much weight as you wish within reason. A safe weight-loss is noted at 2-3lbs a week. By reducing calories and consuming the right foods and avoiding bad foods you should experience steady weight loss that will keep your metabolism and system intact.
Why are there several guides for The Lifestyle Diet?
The Lifestyle Diet is about modifying your lifestyle to accommodate different activities that will improve your health as well as increase weight-loss in the body. We have separated the vital elements of this diet to supply you with detailed information that each process entails so that your outcome will be most positive.
Do I have to follow the program ideally and exactly to experience the benefits?
Typical results are based upon incorporating each major activity into your lifestyle. This means that you should try your hardest to follow the food list, meal plans, and exercise program to get the best health and weight loss benefits and results.
Can I eat out at restaurants when I am on this diet?
When incorporating our suggestions into your diet, you must take into consideration when eating out- the calories that are in the food. By the basics we have taught you, you should be able to choose off the diet menu and make choices accordingly that will not detriment your diet or weight loss results.
Should I weight myself every morning while on this diet?
No matter what diet you are on, it is not suggested that you weight yourself every-day. This is because weight fluctuates often, and it can be discouraging to follow a diet to the detail and find the scale reading that you have gained a pound. What is recommended is that you weigh yourself once a week- in the morning, and bear in mind that you may be losing fat and gaining muscle- and muscle weighs more than fat.
Does this diet have any side effects?
One of the main aspects of this diet is that it does not have any negative side effects. You will only be advantaged by using this diet, and if you think of becoming healthier and losing weight as a negative side effect then—you should not use it.
Will I experience healthy and consistent weight loss on The Lifestyle Diet?
This diet is all about health and consistency as a lifestyle. You will experience consistent weight –loss that will be easier to keep off when you gradually incorporate it into your life as opposed to thinking of it as a strategic diet.


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